Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday in Waterford, NY

We woke to a bit of wind blowing today and a forecast of rain.... uh oh!!  However, the roaring sound of water over spill ways seems to be less... we have hope that we will move on soon.  But in the mean time this is a nice place to be on a Sunday. We called some churches last night and left a message that we needed a ride to church.  One pastor called us right back and came to get us this morning!  We liked the church so much I think if we lived here we would attend there all the time.  We had never been to a Wesleyan church before but we really loved the contemporary service with a praise band like we are used to in New Bern. The people were warm and friendly and I think almost everyone there came over to meet us and chat awhile.  Pastor Paul had a message that was just what the Lord would have for us!  AND being Father's Day they had “Donuts for Dads”... so you know Walter liked this church!

Late this afternoon we walked down to Lock 2 where we heard the town would be hosted a dinner for all the boaters! WOW!  It rained a while this afternoon and they decided to cancel the dinner until tomorrow night.   From Lock 2  I continued downtown and across the 126th street bridge (the one we need to get under when the locks open) to the grocery store.  Walter went back to the boat because he had hurt his knee totting a case of water yesterday. I bought milk and another case of water and got help putting it in our new little rolling tote we bought in the "healthy" grocery store NYC.  I now can understand how hard it was to pull that little thing filled with water up hill to Lock 3 & get it to our boat!!

In a few days the canal folks will have a bus to take us to the grocery store and we may get several cases of this water. The water was on sale at a good price and we are concerned with running out of cooking & drinking water... that is really the only thing we have not been supplied with however, another boater told me today that the Canal people will give us two 5 gallon containers of water for our boat water tank if we want them.

Here is one of the boats parked on the other side of the lock pool from us.  It is a replica of a Chinese sailing Junk built here in this country.... They appeared to have a large crew of several men & I saw at least one woman aboard her.  They were parked just ahead of us on the Waterford docks during the storm.... And before they could move up the locks to safety they had to lower their mast.  It was not long before they came up so apparently they lowered it by themselves... no crane was used!

The latest rumors: There is talk of moving the four boats (miss gg + 3 others) down to the city docks so they can use this work tug that we are tied to..... where will we be tomorrow??

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