Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Lot of Rain, A Little Sun

Rain Rain and more RAIN starting early this morning. It is suppose to quit by 2p or else I will be walking in the rain to the laundromat a few blocks away. The Captain is out of socks!  How did this happen?!  Well, we have often forgotten the day of the week so guess I forgot about the weekly chores, too. The idea of going to a laundromat is actually not a bad thing on this trip... gives us time to mingle with the locals and we have found great new friends this way... like Ron and Gigi, a couple we met in the local wash & dry place in Waterford, NY.  In that town everyone on the street says hello but here is a different story. They don't seem to be as trusting in Burlington.  I said hello to a young college student yesterday when she passed me wearing her backpack but she just gave me a strange look. Okay, stop laughing... I know I'm weird!  I forget about my crooked smile and the one eye that doesn't open all the way... surely her mama told her not to talk to one eyed strangers!

When the rain finally quit about 1230p we started walking with two loads of washed clothes needing to just be dried. The washer in the boat is okay but the dryer is ridiculous!  If you put two towels in it there is a chance they might dry in a couple of hours but more than likely they will just be hot & damp.  Our walk was UPHILL as it seems most streets are from the marina no matter what direction you go.  We passed the waterfront park near our marina.  

After the clothes were home (yeah, Miss gg is HOME!) we loaded up the washed bath towels and boarded the free shuttle bus to the Pedestrian Mall. Walter knew of a laundromat nearby so while I did a little shopping he took laundry duty.   Later he rode the bus back to the the boat.   What?  I thought we would be walking to the University together but he did this yesterday on way to West Marine and was not ready to do it again.  So off I went Uphill but not before I stopped in Ben & Jerry's for an energy drink... right!.... a large chocolate milk shake!  

I believe I was wrong in my assessment of the folks here.. some are friendly... a lady saw me with one arm full of small purchases and the other hand full of calories (shake) and said she would push the cross walk button for me.  :-) 

On my way up to the University I passed many old interesting houses some of which have been converted to fraternity houses.  

This is a public elementary school. What you see here is less than half the building... another building this size is attached on the east side by a two story building between them!  Could this house ALL the children in Burlington?
Edmunds Elementary School

The University was founded by the state founder, Ira Allen in 1791. 

Classroom building at UVM

UVM Library

The Ira Allen Chapel
 A very beautiful campus!  It was getting late so I started walking back down to the Pedestrian Mall where I would then walk uphill again to Church Street to catch the free shuttle to the marina.  However, I found out that the shuttle only runs every 30 min. after 6p and it had just left!  I could see the waterfront in the distance so I walked back to the boat arriving after 630p. Whew!

In front of the marina there was a paddling competition going on behind the break water.  Appeared to be young children.  

Our generator part came late this afternoon so Walter will install it at our next stop. We are planning on leaving early tomorrow morning so he will have time to do this at Rouses Point, NY.  I will also need to provision the boat before we enter Canada where every thing will probably cost more.  We are asking family & friends to not text or call us except in a emergency until we get a prepaid Canadian phone and hopefully a Canadian card for our Hot Spot to continue the blog.  

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