Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cruising to New York City

5:40a.m. Rising Sun as we departed Atlantic City 

Engine trouble again this morning...... we were almost out the inlet and on the Atlantic when the port engine quit again!!  We had to return to our anchorage so Walter could look at it and maybe fix it.  I can tell you we were pretty discouraged though Walter said maybe we aren't suppose to leave today.  I sure didn't want to stay in Atlantic City but the Lord's plan is always best!  But my amazing husband was able to fix the engine and away we went. 

We pushed hard going faster than we normally go and burning lots of diesel fuel but we were racing away from a coming storm which will be here in NYC soon.  

When we first got out on the ocean today it was not bad... maybe two foot swells however they were coming at our forward quarter rocking a lot.  Then after we passed our point of no return... no where to anchor after this..... the wind kicked up and the waves rolled higher... it was a hold on to everything & anything if you have to get out of your seats... I was glad lunch was over by then.  

Approaching the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
We entered New York Harbor through the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge..... 

It was a cloudy gray day but you could still see the New York skyline from far away and what stood out the most was the Freedom tower... so huge... so neat!  I took lots of photos but the ones posted here are the only half way good pictures... it was so bumpy that I fell constantly against things adding to my many cruising bruises!  

Freedom Tower Tallest building on Left

Cruised by the Lady

We are now safely tucked into the only marina in New York City where your boat is not suppose to rock and we are waiting out the storm ROCKING away!   

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