Monday, June 24, 2013

Cruising on Beautiful Lake Champlain

The Drag Queen siren went off at 3a this morning! That's the anchor alarm and it can mean the anchor is dragging or sometimes it just goes off when the boat swings around great deal in one direction. Walter got up to check it out... he didn't think the anchor had moved so he came back to bed.   I noticed at that point that the boat was rocking a lot & I figured I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep because of anchor concerns. The next thing I knew it was 630a... our normal time of rising while on this boat. God is good!  

When pulling up the anchor it again had some weeds on it but nothing like the first anchoring site.  It didn't take very long to get it cleaned up and we were off by a little after 9a.

As we traveled north on Lake Champlain the Adirondack Mountains were always with us on the New York side...... in trying to figure these mtns out we have discovered that there is not a chain like the Rocky Mountains but many peaks, over 100, and there is no particular order. They rise from under 1,200 ft to over 5,000 ft. They are all contained in a 6.1 million acre park.

Adirondack Mountains

The Vermont side was just as beautiful with more farm land and rolling hills. The Green mountains are a little more visible here in Burlington but still seem far away hidden in haze.   

Green Mountains hidden in haze behind hills

Lovely Home on Lake in Vermont

We needed to make a fuel stop so set our course for North West Bay and West Port, NY.  Another pretty place!

West Port Marina

Our fuel gage has been sticking so the guy that fixed the generator last night, my very smart husband, got out his secret tool, a hammer!   He asked the marina attendant to put in 150 gallons of diesel. That alone blows my mind... I don't even want to know the cost!  After this amount was in the aft tank Walter moved our mattress and banged on the tank.. and voila!   The gage was fixed!  

Cool Guy without his Hammer!

There were some big homes on the lake around West Port.....  how about this little summer cottage? :-0

Continuing north on the Lake we passed “Snake Den Harbor” (just looked like any other harbor) on the East and then came to some striking rock walls. 

After this we saw the Split Rock Lighthouse on Split Rock Mountain.  Split Rock gets its name from a huge rock, about 12 ft, that fell off from a nearby cliff. It rises 30 ft above the water. The light house is on the hill behind this cliff.

Split Rock Lighthouse

Not far from this Lighthouse was a tall metal structure that we thought might have been a range light.  Range lights are a great aid to navigation if you are coming into a harbor and there are range lights they will line up one atop the other in your line of sight... if they stay like that you are on the right course but if they move you have probably moved off course.   At any rate this tower had become home to a large bird! 

We saw it coming from far away.. another summer rain storm... lightening cracking and thunder rolling over head.

It was right over our destination: Burlington, VT.  I was glad I had already set the lines but I'm thinking another docking in the rain?!   But then the Captain said he would wait it out so we motored ahead slowly. The rain hit and the lake water turned as black as the clouds over head. The water around us started to rise up slow and gently like it might boil similar to water in a pot before it breaks the surface.  But then it did break and suddenly there were white caps every where as the wind picked up. 

 The WIND.. It was so strong!  Walter turned into the wind making Miss gg toss a lot less.  All day long the humidity was awful and the heat on the bridge close to unbearable... so much so I did not sit up there but pulled a sun deck chair to right in front of the port side sun deck door.... still very little breeze came in there. So the rain was a relief even if we had to hustle to get everything closed up.

Burlington is the largest city in Vermont and the county seat.

Burlington, VT & our Marina

Approaching our Slip just to other side of boat with Dark Blue Bottom

Our mail was brought to us time we tied up. Good job house sitter, Megan!  Walter has walked to the closest grocery store and tomorrow we will walk or ride a bus to West Marine.  Hey, just after we arrived here the local West Marine actually called us!... their best customers of course.  Ha!  Walter's part is in... now he searches for the generator circuit breaker....generator didn't start so easy this morning.  Praise God tonight for shore power.

The Captain just told me after our next destination we will have gone 1,000 miles!  I've got to go find some short people to hug... really REALLY missing the Grand Wonders!

1 comment:

  1. I just spent three wonderful hours catching up on your posts. I can't tell you how much I admire you both for fulfilling Walter's dream. Your pictures are amazing - they make me want to visit all these places, especially Waterford. It's been interesting to see you, GeorgeAnn, progress from wary willingness to confident enjoyment! May God continue to protect you and bless you as your Great Adventure rolls on!
