Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sun Shine & Ice Cream

Another pretty day for walking around this delightful town.  On our walk down town to the water front this morning, we were surprised to find the water had receded back into the Mohawk River!  We tried not to get our hopes up not really knowing what this meant for the boaters.  

The beautiful Waterford city docks were covered in mud.   The tug left there was okay...floating in the water and not stranded on the dock wall.  While we were there we ran into our new friend, Marge that had given us the tour yesterday!  She is so interesting to talk to but we were determined to not interrupt her walking time today. We invited her to come see us later at the boat.

Then we walked over the bridge that crosses the Hudson River.... the one we couldn't get under on Thursday... water still high and we believe it is actually higher than when we tried to pass under it. We were then in Troy, NY where the drug store and grocery store are located. We visited both getting much needed bottle water for the boat and a prescription filled. Walking back we stopped in a little cafe for lunch and then went across the street to where it said “Ice Cream Parlor”.... but no ice cream there any more... sob! So we trotted up hill near the Erie Canal....passed the pool above Lock #2 and saw lots of boaters tied up there and a generator on the dock supplying power to about 4 boats.  As we were approaching the street that goes to the pool above Lock #3 our friend Marge showed up!  She was only hoping to find how to get to lock #3 but didn't expect to see us.  She parked her car and we led her over the noisy spillway gushing water.... this is a scary bridge made of a steel open grid!  Then we must cross two narrow bridges that go across the top of the lock gates. These gates are usually left open but the Canal staff have left them partially closed so we can get to and from our boats. Then we go through a couple of small fields watching out for duck & geese droppings and then a field of weeds and then the tug and across the tug we climb carefully up on our boat.. no ladder! Marge turns out to be our age but I think her body is younger as she had no problems hopping up to the boat.

Marge got a tour of the boat and we tried to sign her up to crew! Maybe she will... however, she is full time employed with her own business as a spiritual director... does retreats... helps people to heal from grief and other distresses.

Then it was off to the best ice cream place in Cohoes. Marge insisted on taking us for a cone and it was delicious!

Updates on Canal Closures: We have automatic updates on the Canals but nothing yet from this source on when they will open.  A fellow boater read a blog from the Great Lakes that said they expected the Erie to be closed for another 10 days! And the Champlain (our destination) for two more days!  Well, you can imagine how exciting that was for us to hear and how very much we want to believe it.

Two Miss gg's?
Safe Habor

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