Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Engine Trouble in Atlantic City & a Little Mutiny!

We were hauling anchor at 730a this morning on a beautiful cool & sunny day. It was perfect cruising weather. Anchor was almost up.... I had worked very hard to get lots of mud off of the chain..... I just had the anchor itself to go. I noticed the boat engines were either not in sync or one was missing. It was then that Walter said lower the anchor! What?! He said he had to fix the engine which had now quit completely. Back to the muddy bottom of Clam Creek went the anchor. I was still hopeful for an early get-a-way but Walter could not fix the thing! You know it is serious when my mechanic/engineer husband can't fix something. We have Caterpillar engines and it takes a Caterpillar mechanic to work on them when detail things go wrong. The engine was sucking air into the fuel injection system through a leaking priming pump. Well, at least he knew what was wrong! :-0

The Captain found a company that works on these engines about 30 miles away... they did have a replacement pump and it is now after 5p and we are still awaiting the arrival of part and mechanic.

THEN along came the Coast Guard protecting our coast so well and chasing us out of our nice little anchorage... we think a tug boat moving a barge around us probably complained.
The Guard suggested that the close by marina might let us tie up on the outside pier while we wait to get the boat fixed. We called them and they were very gracious to not only let us stay at no charge but came to the dock to help us tie up as we moved our limping boat on only one engine. But first the Capt says we have to get the anchor up. Okay, back to the job I know how to do..... it was almost done when he tells me to stop washing it off and quickly get the bow line ready for the dock hand as the boat was drifting... he puts it in gear and suddenly moves forward... I fall against the forward windows and slide down on the deck … just thankful I am still on the boat!!! I can tell you it is hard to give the Captain on the bridge a dirty look while hanging on for your life on the forward deck!  I followed every snapping order after that one (yeah, I know things must be done quickly but I was already upset to have not finished one job first!) and soon thanks to this lovely lady on the dock we were tied securely. Then the man says to his first & ONLY crew member, “Do you want to finish the anchor or shall I do it?” Even though I like to finish what I start this is when the mutiny began! I said I was doing nothing and took a seat on the comfy sundeck chair.

Then my afternoon experience of going for a few groceries didn't work out either. I got the jitney bus which only holds about 10 people in front of the marina. I got on and asked if he could take me to a grocery store... he seemed to have no idea of what I was asking but then after I described food products such as the bread we needed he said, “Oh yes! I will take you to the Super Market downtown”. Okay by me and we were off... we ran around to every casino in town first with the driver wishing good luck to all who departed his bus. Then he drops me off in what looks like the old part of town...tells me to walk down this side street and when I get to next corner I will see SAVE A LOT super market. After I got passed the "hookers"! in the middle of the block I felt a bit better... on the corner I didn't see the grocery store as it was hidden behind trees but I did see a MacDonald's... ahhh something homey looking... I thought I would get a diet coke and then look for the store. Inside this burger joint were only 5 tables and two signs on the wall. One said: “This establishment is on video surveillance and right now the Atlantic City Police are watching”. The other sign said, “No loitering.. you have 30 min. to eat your purchase and LEAVE!” Not too much like home after all. I was wishing for Walter...

The grocery store was just about a block away and I went in there.... not sure what was going on but there seemed to be no way to get my basket back to where the food was.... many many people there.. it appeared that some were bagging their own groceries but how did they get them?? police were also there WATCHING... I wondered if they were used to folks stealing the food ….. everyone was busy that I could ask... I was so discouraged at this point I just left the store and walked to where I thought I could get a jitney bus back to the Marina..which as far as they are concerned it was the Golden Nugget casino. They were suppose to run every few minutes but I waited about 20 and the first bus that came only had room for one passenger. I let the young girl carrying a load of her own groceries go in and I waited for another bus which came after two wrong buses.

I am happy (even without groceries!) to report that now, at 558p the wonderful mechanic is here.... hurray! And he has fixed the problem! AND the mutiny is over.  There is a slight possibility that we will go all the way into NY harbor tomorrow...Lots of rain predicted for Friday... some fellow loopers did it today.. took them 10 hours though..whew. Watch the satellite. :-) 

Farley's Marina from our Anchorage Last Night

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