Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Atlantic City, New Jersey

We didn't get away from Cape May until 915a after pump out at another marina. To do this we had to go out the channel for our marina, then back to the main channel and then over to the channel for the pump out marina. Their radio was not working and we could see no one on their fuel/pump out dock. I thought I would have to use my new Landing Loop and get the boat tied up to the dock myself. The new Landing Loop was not ready at all... not loaded with a line! And it was stashed behind several other items on the sundeck! I was scrambling to get it ready when Walter called over the headset that a dock hand was coming. WHEW!

We were the second Looper boat out even at that late hour because others were trying to decide if they should go or not... not sure but possibly this may have been the first ocean run for most of them...... all a little apprehensive. Winds were changing slightly all morning. We are glad we didn't try the ocean voyage before today as it was rough enough today but did settle down some before we arrived at Atlantic City. The Ocean was a beautiful blue and then blue-green here at our destination. I tried to take a few pictures but we were bouncing around so much it was difficult and almost dangerous for me to get up from my first mate seat. I had my sea bands on or could not have stay on the boat! Walter took no medicine, the sea dog!

Atlantic City in the Distance

At one point I wanted something salty to make my stomach feel better and had to hold on to something all the way to the Galley. There are no hand holds in our salon... some boats have them across the headliner. So this is how bumpy it was... I crawled! Then eased myself on the two steps down to the galley. Stood up, found the prezels while holding on to the sink, stuffed a bunch into a small plastic cup, tucked the full cup down into my jean pocket, tucked my shirt down over it to hold in the salty cargo, then crawled back to the steps to the sundeck, stood up and hung on up those steps to the steps to the bridge. We were both glad for the snack.

One time when I was at the helm alone today I thought I was going to have to take the boat out of auto pilot to go around a crab pot! You can't wait too late to do this but... I waited.... waited.... Yea! We missed it! I was afraid I would not be able to control the boat on the ocean waves.

Atlantic city.... Almost There!

We are anchored out tonight right in front of the marina where our new Looper friends are located. It was fun sitting on the bridge today watching each one come in... so glad they all decided to cruise today because according to the forecast it is going to be an even better day tomorrow to continue our northward voyage . We will anchor out again tomorrow night to help pay for the Marina in New York Harbor. We are finding everything more expensive in the north. We had thought to anchor in the NY Harbor also but there is really no place where you would not be waked (turbulence from other boats) all night.

We were invited to a “docktail” gathering at one of the Looper boats tonight but I think we will tuck in early for a good start tomorrow.

Speaking of being waked! Hope this guy is the only BIG ship leaving or arriving at our anchorage tonight!

1 comment:

  1. We are anchored behind the Statue of Liberty tonight, one of our favorite places in New York. We will move to Liberty Landing for a couple of days tomorrow. This is a pretty good anchorage. There is one ferry that comes in during the day...nothing at night. The holding is good. Glad you had a good day in the Atlantic.

    The Pearl
